07/29/2020- Mass Update

07/29/2020- Mass Update

Dear Friends,

I am happy to let you know that beginning this coming weekend (August 1st and 2nd) Holy Communion will once again take place at the regular time during Mass.   This is progress for us to be grateful for as we move forward and begin to return to normal (even if it may be a “new normal”).   Bishop Sullivan has given permission for this and we are prepared to implement a safe and orderly system for parishioners to receive the Holy Eucharist at both Sunday and Daily Masses.

For Sunday Masses, there will be four Communion stations.  Directions will be given this weekend and the ushers will assist so things flow well.  Kindly remember to wear a mask while in line for Communion and to keep a “social distance” from those around you.  Communion will only be given under the species of Bread.    

After receiving Holy Communion, as is normal, please return to your pew for the conclusion of Mass and the dismissal.  After the dismissal and the recessional hymn, maintain a social distance as you leave church and also when greeting the priest and deacon or when chatting with one another outside the church.

Through the reception of Holy Communion, may Our Eucharistic Lord always strengthen and nourish us to be His faithful disciples.  God bless you.

Father Bartoloma

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