Join Holy Family’s New Bible Study Class – Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom
Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom is an exciting bible study that explores the story of the Early Church in light of the Holy Spirit and demonstrates how this story is important for all Disciples of Christ.
This 20 session course, which consists of DVD presentations, small group discussions and home study, shows how a few Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit were chosen to bring Christ and the Good News to the ends of the earth. The study also provides a historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative.
Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom, a 20 session study, will be offered here at Holy Family in the Aquin Center, on Tuesday evenings, starting on Oct. 20th, at 7:30 PM.
The cost of the student materials is $26, payable at registration. Flyers with additional details and registration forms are available in the church and the parish office. Please return the registration form and payment to the parish office by Oct. 1st. Note – Participants who register after the Oct 1st deadline may not have study materials for the first two classes.
Call the parish office (856-228-1616) or Mary (856-264-1192) with any questions.
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