9/18/22-Calling all Parish Ministries

9/18/22-Calling all Parish Ministries

The parish picnic is September 18. Thanks to the generosity of our various ministries at Holy Family, the basket raffle at last year’s picnic was a big hit, and we hope you will be willing participate again this year.

If your ministry is interested in donating a basket, please contact Bethann Lee, a member of our Pastoral Council, at 1familee5@gmail.com , letting her know the name of your ministry, the contact person and their contact information.

While we do not suggest a specific dollar value for the baskets, they do not need to be elaborate. As with last year, this raffle is not a fund-raiser, tickets for the baskets will not be sold for any monetary amount. It is an opportunity for us to help those in need in our community by donating non-perishable foods in exchange for tickets. Last year, the food parishioners donated helped several local organizations.

Your ministry can also use this opportunity to promote their missions, by preparing a brief card or paper that explains what you do, and notes how people can help, either by joining or by supporting you. You also are welcome/encouraged to have a representative of your organization present to help answer questions people might have.

We thank you in advance for your generosity.

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