Diocesan Components
For the first time in nearly 30 years, the Catholic Community of South Jersey will hold a diocesan wide campaign to raise needed funds for all parishes and the ministries of the Diocese of Camden.
The diocesan component, which will receive 30% of the funding, will focus on the following:
This campaign will provide South Jersey Catholic Schools with the necessary funding to target key areas of the 2015 Bishop’s Commission on Catholic Schools report, Forming Minds and Hearts in Grace: A Plan for Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Camden, which are not able to be addressed through our current operational funds. These areas include: faculty and staff development, especially in the area of catechesis; curriculum expansion and innovation; capital improvements for elementary schools; and more substantial methods for engaging youth and young adults.
While the Diocese of Camden provides care to individuals and families in need across the six counties of South Jersey there are always new needs that form. From this campaign, specific funding will go to new addiction healing services programs with special emphasis on combating the opioid crisis, broader efforts to provide assistance to the poor, enhanced healthcare outreach for individuals and families, and greater legal support services for immigrants and the marginalized.
Beginning with the Apostles, it has been the responsibility of the faithful to go beyond the church walls to share their faith in the person of Jesus Christ. This campaign will focus on two primary areas of strengthening our evangelization efforts:
1) Promoting the public image of the Catholic Church in South Jersey through traditional and newer media to promote the vitality of our parishes and ministries from the Jersey Shore to the Delaware River.
2) To welcome new members, welcome back inactive members, and assure those who seek out the Catholic Church that there is indeed a place at the table for them.
3) Increasing educational opportunities for parish ministers and staff to help our parishes embrace the varied expressions of the Catholic faith in language, culture, and practice, as well as their own professional and faith formation.
631 MARKET STREET | CAMDEN, NJ 08102 | CATHOLICSTRONG@CAMDENDIOCESE.ORG | p 856.583.6125 | f 856.338.0766
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