Diocese of Camden – Weather Advisory, January 22, 2016

Diocese of Camden – Weather Advisory, January 22, 2016

As preparations are being made to combat this weekend’s forecasted winter storm, many Catholics are no doubt concerned with their obligation to attend Mass on the Lord’s Day.

Regardless of situation, the Third Commandment to keep Holy the Lord’s Day remains intact. However, in cases of legitimate circumstances, such as illness, Catholics may excuse themselves from the Sunday obligation without fear of sin before God.

In the case of the approaching storm, Catholics are advised to be cautious regarding attending Mass. The forecast is calling for substantial snowfall and winds, which may result in significantly treacherous driving conditions, even after the storm passes. If a Catholic believes that venturing outside to go to Mass is unsafe for themselves or their family, they are free to make the carefully considered decision to stay home.

Pastors of the Diocese of Camden will keep to the regular Mass schedule in their parishes for those who are able to attend Mass.

For those unable to attend Mass this weekend, they are encouraged to keep Holy the Lord’s day in some other way, which could include watching Mass on television, meditating on this Sunday’s bible readings, praying, or making some other special effort to remain in communion with God.

We pray that all those affected by the storm, most importantly those tasked with working during it, are kept safe and remain free from significant impact.

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