Holy Family Church Finance Update

Holy Family Church Finance Update

Our Finance Council reported the finances of Holy Family at last week’s Masses.  The report included the House of Charity, Capital Campaign and parish ordinary income, as follows.

*The House of Charity 2020 netted $14,000.  The goal of $210,000 was not met, so the parish added $6000 in order to meet our goal and secure the ten percent return to Holy Family.

*The 2021 House of Charity goal is reduced to $170,500.  To date, pledges total $122,000.  Please donate to this valuable cause, which helps many in the diocese and at Holy Family.

*The Capital Campaign is in its fourth year.  Intended to help parishes with financing for projects, funds are collected and projects are decided by Holy Family, with diocesan approval.  So far, several improvements were completed.        

                *Sacristy redone, wallpaper in church removed and painted.

                *Remaining carpet in the church replaced with tile.

                *The side property improved and mulched.

                *Rectory roof replaced.

                *Security cameras installed in the church, Aquin and parish offices.

                *WIFI upgraded.  Audio visual upgraded in the church.

                *Next, church lighting upgrade to LED.  Aquin kitchen.  Aquin roof repairs.

*Ordinary income was reduced 25-30 percent due to lower Mass attendance during Covid.  Two payroll protection loans were secured from the government, at diocesan recommendation.  This protection was sought as it was not known how severe or how long Covid would last.

Thank you to our priests and deacons, staff and volunteers who worked diligently to bring us the Covid modifications needed to serve us and continue our mission.  Thank you, especially, to all Holy Family parishioners who support our many good works, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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