Holy Family Softball 2021

Holy Family Softball 2021

2021 Holy Family Softball

While winter has been tougher this year, in many ways, the slowly warming temperatures bring an enthusiasm for Spring and along with it Holy Family Softball.

This year will mark the 12th year that Holy Family has fielded a softball team and competed with other parishes as a way to enjoy ourselves and experience fellowship with others.

The league is player friendly and open to all adults (18+), both men and women, of all abilities.

If it has been years since you played or you play regularly elsewhere, feel free to come out and join us as a player, or root on your fellow parishioners.

Practices are scheduled to begin March 15, weather permitting, with games scheduled to start in mid to late April. There will be plenty of time to knock the rust off and see if playing is right for you.

Fellowship and Fly Balls work well together!  Feel free to contact Phil Muldoon, at philmuldoon@comcast.net, to register and receive any additional information about the team or the league.

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