Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendor of glory from God forever: wrapped in the cloak of justice from God . . . (Baruch 5:1) Just in this one verse we could reflect on for hours. What beauty is in this verse, what a promise, what great words of encouragement, what great words of love!
This splendor and glory is God’s own glory which He wishes to shower upon us. If that is the case what does that say about our worth, dignity, and value? I believe it says a lot! God became one of us, obviously to save us, but also to simply be with us, to come close to us, not out of compulsion or need, but simply out of love. If God is close to me do I understand that I have been cloaked by Him in His very splendor and glory? If so, do I show it? Do I live it?
The following sentence says, “Wrapped in the cloak of justice from God.” We have splendor, glory, but also God’s justice. He takes care of us, loves and treats us fairly. We have His justice, but this also means that we must be just to others. As Plato would put it, “Do I respect and give a person their proper due that is owed them simply because of who they are a human being?” Justice in the bible is described in many ways, being fair, honest, judging rightly, not denying the widow and orphan or the poor, the alien, etc. All of it however comes back to treatment of people, the 2nd commandment of Jesus, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
As we continue through Advent it is good to remind ourselves, that the Christmas story which is coming soon, is a reminder that when Jesus was born we literally put on the splendor and glory of God, and it becomes a reality in our Baptism, but through that Baptism we are to also put on the justice of God otherwise the gift of Jesus’ death and resurrection in our lives loses meaning. I pray that the opposite is true that we live lives that give a fuller sense to that meaning that Jesus increases in each of us more and more each day. I pray that you believe that, because as the Psalmist says, “I said, ‘you are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.” (Psalm 82:6)
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