These are the words that are said twice in today’s Easter Gospel from St. Matthew. First the angel says to Mary Magdalene, “Do not be afraid,” and then Jesus says the same to His Disciples, “Do not be afraid.”
What was this fear that they all had? The fear they had was that they had lost their Master. They were not fully aware yet or understood the meaning of Jesus having to suffer and die and then be raised on the third day. They must have felt defeated, they must have felt lost, they must have been terribly saddened by grief at the loss of Jesus. They were probably also afraid that they too would be found out and brought to the same fate as their master. So, when Jesus reassures them, “do not be afraid”, he is asking them to let go of all their fears and to keep focused on Him.
We know the story well, the entire Triduum, beginning from the Last Supper until Jesus rises on that beautiful Easter morning. Though the story is one from the past as it is recorded as an historical event, the story still lives on it is going on right now, because as Jesus tells us, as often as you break the bread and drink the wine (His body and blood) we commemorate the entire Triduum. It becomes present to us. The words that Jesus spoke to his disciples on that Sunday Easter morning he is still speaking today, to us, “Do not be afraid!”
What are some of the things that make us fear or be afraid? In John’s first letter he says, “fear has to do with punishment,” and that is true in many regards, we fear getting caught, being exposed, that is what sin does to us, it keeps us in the dark, whereas Easter is all about the light and bringing everything into it and leaving behind the darkness of sin and death.
Fear also has to do with worrying and loss. Worrying about ourselves, loved ones, and loss as in death. The disciples must have been sick with worry, for themselves and what happened to Jesus. Are we not the same way? Do we not make ourselves sick sometimes with fear? Jesus tells us especially today to let it go and look to the one who has defeated sin, loss, and death!
Jesus often said, whoever believes in him would not die. When people heard this they mistakenly thought, “wow, that’s great I’m never gonna die!” That is not what Jesus meant, all of us experience earthly death, what he meant was that he defeated the separation that held us apart from God, that we could now live forever with him. However, in that living with him forever in heaven is also given to us now. We are already blessed with the life of our Lord. We are blessed in it every time we pray, every time we come to Church, every time we receive a sacrament, we become one with him and the gift of the resurrection is ours! We are blessed now and forever, that is the gift of Easter Sunday. Jesus has to remind us each day, “Do Not be Afraid,” which is repeated 365 times in Scripture! Do not worry this day, for today is the day of salvation, today Jesus rises from dead, but he doesn’t do it alone, we too rise with him to new life, and in that new life with Jesus we never need to be afraid! Happy Easter!
God bless you,
Father John
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