“Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.
Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This verse is one that is usually at the forefront of our minds when we think about life. Life has its wonders, joys, moments of great happiness, awe, and amazement. But it also has moments that are filled with great physical and emotional pain, sorrow, grief, disappointment, suffering and even great anxiety. In the moments of joy we are grounded in the moment, but in moments of anxiety or fear we can sometimes feel out of the moment or that things will always be the way they are, even tomorrow will be miserable!
What are some of the things we may be anxious about? It can range from our health, the health of loved ones, of our children becoming people of good character and finding some success in this life, or the worry of employment, school, starting a new family, etc. Jesus is not saying that we should have no concern for our future and that of others, but when we begin to become anxious and overly occupied with tomorrow then yes, we are doing damage to ourselves. Many studies have found that it is not just poor diet or smoking that causes cancer but even being overly stressed or anxious.
Jesus warned us for our own health and well being and yet it is still hard at times, may be its so hard because we love so much. Yet, even if that is the case the love we have should be grounded first and even directed from Jesus. In all the things I mentioned above, those things that make us worry, do we go to God with them, do we offer them up to the Lord? I have noticed in my own life when I try to make things better on my own or go at it alone I usually do not succeed that well, but when I leave all at God’s feet, it does not matter how things turn out, they usually turn out for the better and at the same time I also become free, free of worry and stress about tomorrow.
If you are having major worries or stress remember to go back to today’s Gospel reading and read through it slowly and prayerfully and know that words Jesus spoke were for you. He loves you deeply and eternally and in His care you will always be okay no matter what you may be going through. Remember, “tomorrow will take care of itself.”
God bless you,
Father John
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