Jesus’ passion was not just the carrying of the cross and being crucified, He was already crucifying our weakness by His example of always taking the high road even when challenged, accused, was made fun of, ridiculed, and the rest. We have been asking ourselves, “what does Lent mean to us?” In doing so we have taken up little disciplines, made promises, avoided certain foods or beverages, as I have said before, “that’s nice,” but Jesus looks for more than just niceties. He is looking for a humble and contrite heart, and in that humility, He is asking us to do likewise.
How do we respond when we are accused or challenged? Typically, because of our weak human nature, we defend ourselves, even when we are wrong and more so when we are innocent. Sometimes when challenged we have knee jerk reactions and quickly respond. I include myself here, how often have I been corrected, challenged or accused in my life and how quickly I offer retort. Why can’t I keep quite like Jesus? What is this impulse in me in having to respond or defend myself?
I understand that prudence and justice demands we speak up for virtue, goodness and right. Prudence is the virtue to know when to speak, how to speak and why to speak or speak at all. Have we acquired this virtue? Again, human weakness clouds it and we speak when we should not and keep quiet when we should speak. Maybe next Lent we can ask the Lord to help us with the virtue of prudence and coupled with that is humility. Remember that the Lord of the Universe humbled Himself in front of His sinful creatures, unbelievably amazing! Lord, at least during this week of the Passion give me prudence, give me a humble and contrite heart! Help me to nail my weaknesses to the Cross and help me rise with You as a new creature one clothed in the light of holiness, Hosanna to the King of Kings!
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