You, Bethlehem-Ephrathah too small to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel; whose origin is from of old, from ancient times. This how our first reading today began (from Micah chapter 5.) I have personally always been drawn to these few verses. They stand out for me for the obvious reason that this is prophecy of the coming Messiah, Jesus, but also for the often missed, “You, Bethlehem – too small to be among the clans of Judah,” should have been enough for those who were expecting the Messiah to be born to recognize that he it would not happen in great fan fare, pomp and circumstance, God does not work that way.
No one would ever have imagined that a young boy would be chosen over 9 other brothers, all more older, wiser and stronger than he, he just being a simple shepherd herder to become the greatest king of Israel if not arguably one of the greatest kings to walk the face of this earth, King David, raised up from nowhere and nobody.
No one would ever have guessed that the virgin who would become the Mother of the Messiah to be a poor, lowly girl from Nazareth, with no ties to power, prestige or resources and yet from all the great women of Israel a young girl in a corner of a place with no significance would become the Mother of God (Jesus).
Who then in their wildest imagination would have guessed that God’s Son would be born in a manager in a town too small to even be counted among the clans of Judah? And yet, they should have since that is usually the way God works. God does not call as we would call nor does He choose as we would choose. He chooses those who are small to show His great power for if He chooses the powerful and the influential the outcome may be attributed to their persons but not in the case of when He chooses the small and the lowly.
This does not mean that those who are learned, rich or of great power do not bring about the kingdom of God, they do, but in my opinion not as much for the kingdom is not built on those things but rather on compassion, purity, being humble, no attachments to anything but God alone.
Yet, we all struggle in the in between, the love of what we have and aspire to – to that of the call of God which is to simplicity, lowliness, and humility.
Let me leave you with this and think honestly on this, if you were God for a day would you have chosen a small and weak shepherd boy to lead Israel, would you have chosen a young 14 year old girl to be the Mother of your Son who barely anyone knew, and would you have allowed your Son to be born in the midst of animals and all kinds of farm smells? “My ways are not your ways, for man sees the outside (appearances), but God sees the heart.”
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