The readings this week and next center around the end of the days and Jesus’ 2nd coming, this is so in order to prepare us for Jesus’ first coming in the Incarnation and His birth. It also a reminder that Jesus did come once, which was promised but He will also come again which is also promised and the Lord makes good on His promises.
When we reflect on apocalyptic readings, those which refer to a 2nd coming we are naturally interested. Everyone wants to know, when will Jesus return, when will the world end? The world will end as we know it but in reality the world will never end as we pray each time we say the Glory Be, “Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.”
I do not want to necessarily discuss the end times but rather the patience of the Lord as is clearly understood from today’s Gospel from Mark. Jesus uses the example of a fig tree. He asks us to read the sign of the times, He does not give us exact days or hours of His return but He gives us signs allowing us to know that it is near. But more importantly than that is that Jesus is patient.
The Apostles first thought that Jesus would return and restore all things immediately after His Resurrection, when that did not happen they then thought surely within their lifetimes, and when then that did not happen they realized that Jesus would come later when they time of fulfillment would be reached.
The question is, “Why all this waiting?” The world is pretty messed up. Terror, war, famine, poverty, hunger, morality turned upside down, we allow the abortion of babies but will arrest you if you hunt a bald eagle, don’t get me wrong, I love animals and if you hunt a bald eagle you should be punished, but I think you get my point, we have become backwards in our thinking. One would assume the Lord is going to come back now for how much worse can it get?
I often wonder that same thing, how much worse can it get? Well, the Lord is very patient. He often uses examples of trees, vines, the harvest, because when they grow it takes a long time to reach its maturity – to be ready – to become ripe. Even though weeds will grow up along with the wheat the Lord holds back the sickle waiting for the right time. The Lord is patient with us.
Think of how long it takes for a person to mature. Aristotle said a man reaches maturity and wisdom usually around 50. That’s more than half a life time. This patience of the Lord leaves me in awe. With all my faults, weaknesses, sins, with all my immaturity and yet He deals with me slowly and with compassion.
Yes, the Lord could end it all now and be done with it. But I personally think He is still waiting, continuing to give 2ndchance after 2nd chance so that we will turn towards His mercy. This coming Dec. 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception will usher in the Year of Mercy. What a great way for us to reflect on the mercy the Lord has shown us and them mercy and patience we should show to others. Remember, it’s always easier to hit the reset button but then you would never learn, you would never become mature in the faith. Trails, tribulations and even our sins if we are sorry for them are all life’s lessons, a part of the growing processes. If we were to hit reset or stop short the harvest would never become ripe and ready and that is why the Lord waits for us both in our individual lives and for His return for all of us. What patience, what Love!
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