Parish Online Giving

Parish Online Giving

Scan your smart phone camera to the QR code below for easy access to Parish Online Giving website or go to the bottom of the page and click on the Parish Giving Logo.

Holy Family is proud to introduce “Enhanced Stewardship through Electronic Funds Transfer”. We have partnered with Parish Giving to offer this program to all our parishioners.

It’s Secure: Parish Giving is PCI compliant and uses the strongest TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption technology available

It’s Convenient: No more searching for the check book on Sunday morning stops at the ATM machine.
You can pick the day of the month for the recurring contributions to be processed.

Tax Benefits:You will be able to print out a report detailing your contributions for the year. You will be able to print out a report detailing your contributions for the year.

Parish Benefits: Weekly or monthly contribution choices.
Significant reduction of parish administrative costs .

If you have questions, you can contact the parish office 856-228-1616 or Parish Giving customer service at 1.866.307.7140.

To get started, click on the logo and the bottom of this page and follow the easy registration steps. If you have any questions, please call Linda at the parish office 856-228-1616 or Parish Giving at 1-866-307-7140.


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© Church of the Holy Family