Sunday Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word

Sunday Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word

Diocese of Camden

Faithful can gather virtually with one another to pray and keep the Lord’s Day holy. See text for the Sunday Liturgy of the Word (4th Sunday of Lent) which can be adapted and celebrated at home or with others through media while we are not gathering together physically. Nothing can replace the Sunday celebration of the Eucharist; this is one temporary way of celebrating and although it is not a Eucharistic celebration, it can serve as a reminder of the importance of the Eucharist and how we long for Holy Communion, along with our desire to return to celebrating the Eucharist together again.

Hopefully we’re reaching out to those who are alone and getting people connected virtually as we hope to connect with one another again in communion on Sundays to come.…/

en español:…/

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