I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dominic Renzi a long time parishioner and for the last few years a Trustee of our parish, his dedication and commitment to Holy Family has been invaluable. Know that you are in prayers as you move forward into new ministries here at Holy Family. I would also like to thank Barbara Sullivan for accepting the new position of Trustee, she will serve along with Charles Lanzalotti for the next year. Know also that you are in our prayers as you assist the Parish in moving forward. Here is a little blurb on Barbara, please congratulate her in her new position and thank Dom for his service.
“I and my husband, Bob, have been members of Holy Family Parish for about 10 years. We have been married for 41 years and have 4 children and 6 grand children. Our children attended Township public school and Paul VI High School. I was a high school guidance counselor, and I retired two years ago. Before I retired, I had done some volunteer work for the parish, but in these last two years, I have become more active in the various ministries our parish offers. “
Thank you, Father John
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